Public Engagement

  • Rotherhithe Public Living Room, UP Projects, 2019

    Project manager and engagement lead for public consultation and engagement programme designed by public works, curated by UP Projects and commissioned by Telford Homes and SGN Place in Rotherhithe

    Photo: XXXX

  • Newham Trackside Wall, UP Projects, 2021

    Project management of delivery phase of major public art commission by Sonia Boyce OBE RA, curated by UP Projects and commissioned by Crossrail.

    Photo: Thierry Bal

  • Newham Unlocked Community Broadcasts, UP Projects, 2020

    Production of 8 community broadcasts video series celebrating the role of creativity for wellbeing for London Borough of Newham, curated by UP Projects.

    Photo: Maël Hénaff

  • One Cell At A Time, Wellcome Trust, 2021

    Community engagement lead for London Programme, in collaboration with artists Baum & Leahy.

    Photo: ©iBRODIEfoto

  • Amateur Ancestor Tours, independent project

    South Kensington Museums guided tour exploring Long Time Thinking and how to think like an ancestor

  • Walsall Road Allotments Token, independent

    Creative engagement programme with Alice McLean, commissioned by Craftspace




Creative Programmes